Paper, Glassine, and Foil Bags Items

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White Paper Bags
302000 1/4 Flat White 102 x 125mm 1000
302005 1/2 Flat White 115 x 145mm 1000
302010   1 Flat White 140 x 185mm 1000
302015   1 Square White 165 x 185mm 500
302020   2 Flat White 165 x 235mm 500
302025 2 Square White 200 x 200mm 500
302030 3 Flat White 200 x 235mm 500
302035 4 Flat White 235 x 265mm 500
302040 6 Flat White 235 x 335mm 500
302045 6 Square White (Sponge) 305 x 335mm 500
302050 8 Flat White 270 x 335mm 500
302052 10 Flat White 270 x 385mm 500
302054   12 Flat White 310 x 385mm 500
 Brown Paper Bags
303000 1 Flat Brown 140 x 185mm 1000
303005 1 Square Brown 165 x 185mm 500
303010 2 Flat Brown 165 x 235mm 500
303015 2 Square Brown 200 x 200mm 500
303020 3 Flat Brown 200 x 235mm 500
303025 4 Flat Brown 235 x 265mm 500
303030 6 Flat Brown 235 x 335mm 500
303035 8 Flat Brown 270 x 335mm 500
303040 10 Flat Brown 270 x 385mm 500
 Glassine Paper Bags
307015 1 Square Glassine 165 x 185mm 500
307020 2 Square Glassine 200 x 200mm 500
307025  3 Flat Glassine 200 x 235mm 500
307040   #2 Satchel Glassine 100 x 185 + 40mm 500
Grease Proof Lined – Paper
308025 #25 Greaseproof Lined Bag 195 x 140mm 500
308030 #75 Greaseproof Lined Bag 213 x 178mm 500
308035   1 Long Greaseproof Lined Bag 243 x 200mm 250
 Satchel Paper Bags
305000 1 Satchel White 100 x 185 + 40mm 500
305005 2 Satchel White 115 x 235 + 50mm 500
Specialty Bags
303045 Printed Mushroom Bags 275 x 155 + 85mm 500
304005  Large Bread Bag 385 x 240 +162mm 500
304008 Ex-Large Bread Satchel 420 x 200 + 90mm 500
304010 Record Bags 362 x 362mm 250
304049 Single French Stick Paper Bags 670 x 110 + 50mm 500
305065 #12 Butcher Bags Plain 385 x 180 +100mm 250
307992 Hot Roast Chicken Bag Plastic  330 x 270 +b/gusset 500
307990 Seafood Resealable Bags Plastic 340 x 260mm + b/gusset 100 500
Foil Lined Bags
308000 Small Foil Chicken Bag 165 x 196 + 58mm 250
308010 Large Foil Chicken Bag Plain 165 x 295 + 58mm 250
308020 Small Plain Kebab Foil Bag 265 x 100 + 40mm 250
308060   Large Kebab/Chicken Roll Foil Bag Plain 250
Window Tin-Tie/Coffee Bags
306171eco Eco PLA Small Window Kraft Bag With Tin Tie 250 gram  50 500
306155eco Eco PLA Medium Window Kraft Bag with Tin Tie 500 gram  50 400
306160eco* Eco PLA Large Window Kraft Bag with Tin Tie 1 kg 400


*Denotes order in only (Not held in stock)
**Per pack is the minimum quantity sold
***Purchasing in carton lots may attract a 10% discount. Just ask our staff for further information.